Right now...
- almost a billon people on the planet don't have access to clean drinking water.
- 4,100 kids will die today from water-related diseases.
We don't know if this will work, but since we are so excited... who cares? :P This is our plan:
- Laura and me will be wearing a campaign T-shirt during the trip (not everyday :P) so maybe they will arouse much more public interest on the project :)
- Get donations from friends and family following us on this blog, facebook and twitter. C'mon, give up two drinks and help a kid giving him access to clean drinking water.
- We'll try to get donations from the people we'll meet during the trip (hope hundrends ;) ).
A picture speaks a thousand words:
Why they are different
- 100% of public donations go directly to water projects. All operating costs are covered by a group of private donors so every dollar you give can go to people in need.
- Works to form sustainable partnerships with local organizations on the ground to implement the work.
How to donate
Our campaign is already closed but you can check what we reached following link: panamerican dream campaign.
100% of donations go directly to water projects ;)
¡Thank you so much!
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